Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Big Bang

So by now we’ve all had time to process Tuesday’s east coast earthquake.  I was sleeping when I heard my dresser drawers shaking and when I woke up to investigate the noise I discovered my bed was shaking as well. I rationalized the shaking as street construction then I proceeded to go back to sleep.  When I  woke up some hours later and discovered that the shaking was an earthquake, I immediately got on my knees and prayed. I prayed because I recognized this as another “sign of the times” coming to fruition (Matthew 24:7-11). I thanked the Lord for His Word because without it His children would be blind. I also thanked Him for revealing His power to this dark disbelieving world. This world we live in where atheism is running rampid and there’s little distinction between believers and non-believers, God is so merciful that He will manifest His power in the form of a earthquake to WAKE UP His people and prove to the doubters that that the God of the bible is alive and doing well. That reinforces my belief that I serve an AWESOME God! Not to be a “Debbie Downer” but God truthfully could destroy this world in the blink of an eye (i.e. Sodom & Gomorrah and what happened in Noah’s day) but because He loves us so much He’s willing to continue to give us the chance to change from our ways.

Now as I said before I was physically asleep during the earthquake but the bigger question is was I spiritually asleep? As I continued on in prayer I prayed the Lord reveal the areas in my life that I was lacking spiritually. In all honestly what if this earthquake was Jesus coming back, would I have been called up with Him or would I have been left. Real Talk! Gods longsuffering is going to come to an end at some point and all the signs suggest that point is closer than we think. So the time is NOW to start living for Christ and examining those areas in your life where you need repentance and forgiveness. I challenge you to ask yourself if it wasn’t an earthquake on Tuesday and it was Christ coming back. Would you have been in the numbers called to be with Him or would you have been left to experience the destruction of this world!

This is awesome parable in relation to the topic Matthew 25:1-13. Let me know what you think!

“Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”  2Peter 1:10-11

Living to Live Again

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