Monday, August 8, 2011

Sincerity of the Heart

When I embarked on this journey a few years ago I really didn’t know Christ for myself so I felt like I was in a way “playing the part” of a Christian. As I’ve grown more in Christ I’m realizing that God not only wants our obedience in deeds but He most importantly wants to capture our hearts. We all know the verse in Proverbs 4:23 NIV “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life”. This is so true because the heart controls every thought, action and intention so if the heart becomes overtaken by the lusts of this world it can lead you straight into HELL. The Word of God served as the catalyst at making me see that I was in need of heart surgery. Hebrews 4:12 NIV “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart”. I heard this verse before but I never believed it or maybe I didn’t want to believe it but now I can testify to its validity. I came to realize that my heart was far away from God when I read verses about the attributes that Christians should exude and I was shocked that I didn’t possess ANY or I only displayed them at my convenience with a select audience. I was lacking attributes such as longsuffering, self control, kindness, patience and forgiveness was not in my vocabulary. Now when I started reading the qualities that God didn’t want me to have such as being proud, boastful, unforgiving, hating, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, envy, and revelries this was more where I fit in at. OUCE! So it became clear that I was in need of the Holy Spirit to start a work in me and transform this rotten heart of mine. The word says that people will know us by our fruit but if we are not bearing any fruit we need to make your we aren’t serving some other god. As my pastor likes to say (paraphrased), “What’s the point of being able to talk in tongues in church but you can’t speak to people outside of church”. God desires for His children to strive to walk as Jesus walked and when they stumble or fall short REPENT and get back on the path. Last year the Lord directed me to this sermon series by John MacArthur called the Master’s Men. It examined in detail the 12 disciples and it was truly eye opening for me. Each disciple before walking with Christ was in need of a heart transformation but as they walked with Jesus their hearts began to be transformed. God loved them despite their faults and worked in and through them for His glory. Long of the short God can use and transform you, no one is too far from His reach!
 I had a major breakthrough this weekend at work. I’m currently in the process of transitioning to a new position and apparently one of my former coworkers felt the need to (for lack of a better word) HATE on my new position in an open forum conversation in my absence. Now since the devil is crafty and he knows my triggers of course someone came to tell me what was said. Now the old me would have wanted to confront this person or I would have let a little of her business accidentally slip out in the conversation with the messenger BUT because my heart is overflowing with the Spirit I didn’t even feel the need to retaliate or offer a rebuttal. I’m finding out that when you’re filled with the Spirit nonsense just isn’t able to penetrate. So tonight I’m going to pray for that individual. To God Be The Glory!

Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. –Psalm 51:10
Living to Live Again


Norrina said...

In my heart I truly work daily to change some of these attributes within myself. Striving to become a better representation of myself. Thank you for this message.... :-)

Hadassah said...

First off THANKS for your comment :-) The awesome part about Gods long-suffering for His children is seen when He allows us to wake up every morning giving us the chance to live better than the previous day and come to repentance! We are at times the only bible people may read so we have to not only be representing ourselves but we are representing the MOST high God! Thanks again it's always good to know I'm not alone in some of my struggles.

Stilettos With My Latte said...

First of all, I am so proud of you!

Now I am constantly working on this RIGHT now - I need more patience and understanding and I need not hold grudges once people piss me off i.e. family members - I am constantly praying about this - I know I will get there one day! These bible verses were definitely inspirational in what I am going through.
